In 2014 Max became the Admin of a Facebook Page called WWC, It is a page devoted to Wrestling and all the news and scoops! In 2015 the page was going to be deleted due to inactivity and the page becoming redundant the page was not getting used and no one was getting news about wrestling anymore. Before the page was deleted Max asked for full ownership and this was granted but since then the page was still not revamped until now!
Today Max has decided to Revamp WWC and continue to give you news and scoops on the page and Max hopes it will venture into other things just like YouTube Channels like Cultaholic and WhatCulture Wrestling are doing at the moment.
Max has said "I will continue to make one off videos about Wrestling on my YouTube Channel MaxiBlog I only do this rarely as MaxiBlog I like to talk about other things but if WWC ever got a YouTube Channel we would speak on their about wrestling, but at the moment just starting from the bottom again and taking it slow until that happens."
The Page still maintained all the fans it had in 2014, so WWC still has around 4000 thousand like on the page.
In the first week Max has recruited a new team of editors and Max has redesigned the page.
Max released this Statement from the Page.
"We Started This Page a long time ago but now We have more People, more Management and we are starting WWC back up!
We will cover all things WWE like RAW, SMACKDOWN and NXT and all the latest Rumours and Backstage heat from backstage.
We will also cover things all New Japan Wrestling and Ring of Honor!
This is very exciting and Please stay tuned for all the stories we got coming for you!