Max and A2ndVoice announced today over social media that Max will be providing Five Speeches to A2ndVoice all online and free to Join! Max said " I can't wait to speak at these events, they are all so different and just some great topics to talk about and it's just small things we don't think about on a day to day basis!"
The subjects will be about the following at 7.30PM to 8.30PM Last Friday of Every Month from February to June!
February 26th 2021 - Autism and Gaming March 29th 2021 - The Dangers of Social Media
April 30th 2021 - Autism in Schools, College's and Employment
May 28th 2021 - Puberty in an Autistic Life
June 25th 2021 - Autism and Acting
Max has currently made 3 speeches already this year and with these up and coming speeches its only going up!
Please use the details below to Join the Speeches!