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Max Mentioned on LinkedIn By Paul Isaacs

Max was involved in the A2ndVoice Events over the Summer and Max has been mentioned by Paul Isaacs about all the work A2ndVoice have done.

Please see his post below!

"Yesterday was the last day of the A2ndvoice CIC Summer Holiday Programmes and HAF which was based in Tooting & West Norwood.

Over the months of the programmes, I hope it has been made opaque and transparent what Venessa Bobb and the team are offering in terms of ethos.

The community based programmes gives children on the autism spectrum a chance to play & interact, parents a chance to network and speak to other professionals in attendance.

Venessa, the A2ndvoice yeam I have spoken about the importance of making meaningful connections and listening to the communities that are in need of support.

You could say this in principle is an egalitarian approach in which open dialogues are encouraged, gaps in knowledge are sought to be filled and communication are the building blocks of those interpersonal changes.

With those important foundations set then the process of making a meaningful difference that is actively happening in real time, which is objective and is person led with spaces for people to be comfortably vulnerable and feel safe.

The A2ndvoice team along with collaboration from others share this way of working.

- Art & Crafts

Widgit Software 

- Massage Sessions with Miranda Foot 

- Gaming pods

- Sensory play (ball pits, bouncy castle, foam & bubbles etc)

- Yoga with Mindful Beings 

- MovementWorks Dance and Fitness 

- Educational toolkits 

- Networking With Professionals (Max J GreenHannah OtooSen Talk CICPDA Society and more)

Link To Post is Below.

A Video was also posted please see below!

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