Today Max went and spoke at FestABLE and Max Loved Every second of it. He was doing the Presentation with Former Teacher and Now Friend Jon Reid.
Max spoke about how Autism, ADHD, OCD and Epilepsy has changed his life and what life looked like in school and out of school.
This Was FestAbles first year and the Next one will be in 2020, FestAble had a load of guest Speakers including Sally Phillips Actress and Comedian!
The Event covered all kinds of disabilities Physical and Mental Conditions as well.
Max Said " It was an honour to speak at the event and meet so many great people, it makes you realise that other people have gone through what you have and being able to inspire one person means a lot to me, when I got home I had 98 notifications on my Twitter and that to me just shows me how much these events can do! Its even better when I hear Jon's Stories to and how he has managed from a teachers side and I think that is what makes are act so unique as it is student and teacher side by side trying to make the world a better place for those with learning conditions and disabilities"
The Event had over 400 People and is one of the biggest events Max has Spoke in
front of!
The Event was Organised by Barney Angliss who has spent his life raising awareness to Disabilities and Autism.
The Event Presentation was filmed and will be put on Max's YouTube Channel MaxiBlog very soon.
Photos of the Event Down Below.