Max announced on his YouTube Channel MaxiBlog on the 28th of February 2016 that he would be doing an abseil for charity.
The charity he picked was the National Autistic Society.
Max started the Campaign on his Birthday, the 22nd of February 2016.
Max's goal was to raise £800 for the charity, however the campaign went on hold on the 22nd of July as Max then landed the main part in The Too much information Campaign for the National Autistic Society. Max provided updates on his Abseil on his YouTube channel regularly.
Max officially announce on his YouTube channel on the 2nd of July 2017 that he had booked the abseil for July 29th 2017.
The funds at the time was £375, £425 short of his target.
The week after Max announced he had booked his Abseil Max fund raised liked never before and reached his £800 target!
Max is set to to Abseil on the 29th of July.
Just Giving Page
Max J Green Abseil Announcement
Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Final Update!
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